Wednesday, May 20, 2009


That's the news from the DEQ concerning SME's application for a permit application to construct and operate a gas combustion turbine facility for electric generation at the Highwood Generating Station.

On page 1 of the letter, DEQ mentioned that "the incompleteness issues identified in the main body of this letter address insufficient analyses and/or lack of transparency in methods and calculations provided in the permit application". [emphasis added].

Lack of transparency. Now why doesn't this come as a surprise?

SME has until July 20, 2009 to submit the requested information or the application will be considered withdrawn. They can request in writing an extension of time.


Anonymous said...

Another smoke screen to keep siphoning away money for another couple years.

There will be no SME gas plant built.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Jolley says thanks for keeping me informed about SME.