Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It IS The Gift That Keeps On Giving

At last night's City Commission meeting, the commission voted 4-1 (Jolley dissenting) to reduce the fire service fees that SME is supposed to be paying the city. I say supposed to, because they haven't paid to date what the contract stipulates.

On page 2 of the agreement: In order to facilitate development of the Facility, SME must be assured that fire protection and emergency services will commence at the time of commencement of construction.

SME broke ground on HGS on October 15, 2008.

SME didn't start to pay for services until December. To date, they have paid $47,166 for fire protection, which covers the months of December and January. They have sent $23,583 for February, which has not been credited toward this contract, but has been "sitting on account", according to Coleen. With the passage of the reduction of the fees to $3,000/month, the February payment will be applied to Feb-May coverage and "reserve amounts anticipated to be adequate to carry through the reassessment period".

According to information given by Chief McCamley, Gregori sent an email in MAY requesting this reduction. (We learned from Coleen that she initially received the email and passed it on to Fire Chief McCamley). But Coleen knew by February that Gregori would be requesting this reduction, since she did not credit the February payment against the contract. (I guess this explains why he didn't send his March or April payments).

Since he knew by February he wanted a reduction in fees, why did he wait until May to send his request?

And speaking of his request..

According to item #12 of the agreement, any correspondence to the City with regard to this, is to be accomplished in writing by first class mail and fax to the City Manager and the Fire Chief. (There is no mention of using email or first corresponding with the City's fiscal officer).

No worries though. According to Rosenbaum, this is "Montanans doing business with Montanans".


Anonymous said...

Per Mr. Tim's Afivdavit re; the Yellowstone Valley suit, Coleen has a fiduciary duty to Southern Montana Electric.

Coleen's afividavit in the YVEC suit says she does not have a fiduciary duty to ECP.

The commissioners should have a fiduciary duty to the residents.

Anonymous said...

We continue to shovel money to SME, Why? It is hard to believe we have such poor leadership both at staff level and commissioners (not counting Jolley)!

Once gain Ms. Balzarini assumes the city managership!

Come on elections........

Anonymous said...

We could save serious money if we stopped paying MIA city manager Doyon.

Anonymous said... convenient...

Anonymous said...

It's obvious Doyon has no control, legal or otherwise, over the commission, and Coleen does.

Lay low Doyon, let Coleen take the lead. as she marches into enemy lines that big red bullseye on her gets clearer and clearer. By the time coleen and her faithful followers like bronson realize the minefield they are in, it will be to late.

DC Watcher II said...

CORRUPTION,, plain and simple and 'rotten from the gutfat up'!