Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fire Numbers Not Quite Right

At last night's City Commission meeting, Fire Chief McCamley indicated that the fees to be collected from the fire service contract with SME were not included in his calculations concerning the levy.

This is not true. In his January 28 special City Commission presentation, the Chief indicated that $283,000/annually would be used to help offset the City's match for the SAFR grant.

Since the Commission voted last night to revise the fees to $36,000/annually, fire department revenues have now dropped by $247,000/annually.

Beecher explained last night that he thought this a fair revision. Never mind that he expressed concern at the January special meeting that an assumption was being made that SME would continue to pay their fire service contract.

It's for the best he is not running for reelection.


Great Falls Guy said...

These same "old guard commissioners" and even some city staff will fall over backwards to accommodate when Tim Gregori of SME snaps his fingers.

It always ends up costing us the taxpayers money, legal woes, and lost staff time! Why is that tolerated?

Everybody and every agency Gregori touches ends up embarrassed and tainted.....

Perhaps our Fire Chief can fez up to his memory loses before the mill levy comes before the public?

He certainly has not helped this issue to get supported and pass....I now see it going down in "flames" pun intended.

Anonymous said...

I see Guynn's candidacy going down in flames:)

Anonymous said...

Is that a little smiley face at the end of the above comment?
So cute one, have any refutation of the facts in the origional post.

Commissioners should have been listening and reading from the moment Tim came to town. There is a sad sorry show of them trying to pretend they know something.

Tim emails and the city bends over once again.

Anonymous said...

I see Sandra's leaving anon's dimwitted and cowardly trolling on line for all to see as courageous and a display of real integrity.

Way to go Sandra, Your character is standing the test.

Anonymous said...

She's a character, all right. Just look at that picture! It's not doing her candidacy any good. She looks like the uptight witch in the last Harry Potter movie!

Anonymous said...

But who has better hair? Bronson or Sandra? I know people who did not vote for Donna because they did not like here hair.
With a mail in ballot we will have a lot of people who vote one way or another for fuzzy reasons having nothing to do with issues.

There will be even more idiots who watch Harry Potter movies and comment on blogs when they've just lit up a joint. Little tip, don't pet a police dog if you smoke dope. They might bark.