Friday, May 30, 2008

They're Going To Start To Build In November

According to this article out of Billings, SME is going to start building "other parts of the plant", even though the state has an order requiring a new pollution analysis.

SME still claims they don't have the financing.

What is Gregori up to now?


Anonymous said...

In order to build their railroads, transmission lines, water and serwer lines, etc. they will need to acquire right of ways from the same landowners who are presently suing over these same issues.

I am no attorney, but this should prove interesting if not impossible for SME until these, access, legal issues are resolved. You need some of these services to do any meaningful construction work, just ask commissioner Rosenbaum..........

Anonymous said...

More posturing and 'puffery' but what else would you expect? Let's not let the facts dissuade 'them' as there IS now an officially remanded air permit, the county zoning lawsuit hasn't even begun yet, there's NO financing in today chaotic market, so what else could they out for flying pigs!

Remember, a wounded animal the most dangerous, keep watch!

Anonymous said...

He is just saying that because of all the hoorays and yehawws everyone was yelling when Yellowstone was pulled out. It's a scare tactic like the School board did to us.

He can say it is going to start, but I won't believe it till I see it.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like Gregori and company are trying to keep their paychecks coming as long as possible and they have a sucker in the city of Great Falls willing to do just that.


Anonymous said...

False Bravado won't help SME, and it certainly will not fool most of the People this time and certainly not serious investors who can put their capital into NEW technology, not this obsolete relic of the last century.