The following post is from Mr. Larry Rezentes in response to an attack levied against him by an anonymous commenter on July 10:
In a recent blog to the topic “The Right to Be Heard”, anonymous said, “Mr. Rezentes would like to have you believe he is a local CPA, but he isn't. He is not licensed in the State of Montana to call himself a CPA.” The individual posting the statement has not revealed their identity, and so there is no way for me to confront and challenge the individual personally as to the position he or she has taken.
The facts, however, are these:
· I am a CPA, correctly represent myself as such, and have been a CPA for 34 years, with an active license in Texas, where I first became certified. I joined the U.S. department of Justice, Office of the United States Trustee four years ago. To become so-employed, I submitted to an extensive background check of my educational and professional credentials; including my status as a CPA; my educational background with an undergraduate degree in accounting from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and an M.B.A. in finance from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business; a criminal and general character background check; credit check; employment history check, etc.
· As my practice as a CPA is strictly in my employment with the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the U.S. Trustee, I have no need or requirement to be licensed in the State of Montana. Any individual with the knowledge to post such an allegation would know this.
· I am a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and have been a member for over 14 years. To become a member, obviously, one must be a Certified Public Accountant.
· I began my career by working for three years in public accounting with Arthur Andersen and Company.
· I also hold a membership in Financial Executives International; an organization whose membership is limited to those holding senior financial management positions. I qualify because of a 25 year background serving in Chief Financial Officer roles; including 17 years serving in such positions in Public, Venture Capital and Private Equity financed businesses. I also hold memberships in the Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors and the Society for Human Resource Management.
· I possess extensive experience in dealing in complex financial and accounting issues, including those in turnaround and bankruptcy settings. I have served as CFO of two businesses in bankruptcy.
· The designation of me as a “local” CPA and “local” accountant has come from others; including the Great Falls Tribune and KFBB.
· In all cases where I provide statements to the media, I ask that the following legend be provided stating my background: “Lawrence Rezentes is a Certified Public Accountant with experience as CFO in public, private, venture-capital and private equity financed companies. He currently works in the public sector for the US Department of Justice, Office of the United States Trustee. The views expressed herein are his own and are not intended to represent the views of the US Department of Justice, nor those of the Office of the United States Trustee.” As a compromise, I agreed in my interview with KFBB to a designation as CPA; KFBB chose the alternative title as “local CPA”. I have never introduced myself as “Local CPA”, and did not do so at last Tuesday’s meeting. Given my background and experience, why would I “like to have you believe that I am a local CPA”, as indicated by our anonymous blogger.
No, the accusation is a scurrilous and malicious attempt to malign me by those in, or allied with, city government, who object to my having brought to light the misrepresentations by those in city management and elected city officials, of the large losses sustained, and that continue to be sustained, by the city’s operation of Electric City Power; the cause of those losses; the questionable accounting used now to hide them; and of the city’s flagrant violation of Electric City Power’s founding ordinance. It is a retaliatory attack against me by such individuals in or allied with a city government that has abused its power, selectively applied and knowingly violated its own laws and harassed those, such as myself, who oppose its actions and the incompetence, misrepresentation, and illegality of its entry into and continued operation of Electric City Power, and its involvement in the Highwood Generating Station program. It follows other such attacks against me by the city, and those allied with its views.
I have challenged elected officials of the city, the City Manager, the City Attorney, City Finance Manager, any or all, to debate me on the issues surrounding the establishment, financial results, and legality of the operation of Electric City Power and its involvement in Highwood Generating Station. I did this most recently in a letter that I sent to the Great Falls Tribune with copies to the Mayor, City Commissioners, City Manager, City Finance Manager, and City Attorney dated February 17, 2009. The attacks upon me personally are a cowardly substitute by those without the character, courage or integrity to face me to defend what they know is their indefensible use of taxpayer money in support of the ill-conceived, and incompetently managed Electric City Power and associated Highwood Generating Station ventures.
My statements of the facts surrounding Electric City Power at last Tuesday evening’s City Commission meeting, where the Commission approved the hiring of a consulting firm and the wasteful expenditure of $60,000, in knowing violation of Ordinance 2925, in an attempt to acquire a consultant to whitewash their actions, is what led to Mayor Stebben’s interruption of my talk.
Lawrence C. Rezentes,
Wow! Do you think we struck a nerve with little Larry Resentful?Talk about a Napoleananic complex!
I thank Larry for speaking the truth and suffering the consequences. It is a mystery to me why city commissioners continue along the path of least responsibility for all these years. See no evil, speak no evil,hear no evil and I will add two more - remember no evil and read no evil. Enough is enough. Commissioners can't pretend they are clueless any longer. It is hard to find anything that commissioners were told by staff and Tim Gregorie that has proven to be reliable information.
Dear 7:36,
Wow! You're such an asshole - you must be a commissioner or mayor.
Larry, your unselfish service to your fellow GF citizens is greatly appreciated.
Many of us believe the wrongheaded irresponsible actions of this city government are perpetuated by either incompetent bumbling commissioners and unqualified city staff, or a broad reaching cold calculated conspiracy to defraud the citizens. The outcome is the same either way as they claim they can't provide the most basic city services without additional taxes.
Keep it up. You know you are on target by the return fire.
Anonymous 7:36, you are a complete idiot. Your house of cards is collapsing and you have resorted to cheap shots, character assinations, and selective enforcements against the good citizens of this town. Dust off your resume as you will need it very soon.....
Does that guy EVER shut up? I was tired of listening before he started talking.
Anon 1:34:
Your comment goes to the very heart of your problem. You refuse to listen to intelligent advice!
Open up what little intellect you may have left and LEARN something......
Hey, 7:36, please spell NAPOLEON properly if you want to remind folks of city hall TYRANNY....
As Hemingway said, 'The Truth has a certain ring to it.' The Truth will OUT in regards this entire boondoggle of HGS, ECP.....
"We struck a nerve...?" I wonder who is the "we" that anonymous 7:36 AM is speaking for? I doubt the majority of taxpayers in Great Falls would agree. Most members of the public don't have the accounting expertise to sort through the representations given by the City on ECP finances. I appreciate the time and effort Larry has spent trying to enlighten the Commission and the public on the problems with ECP.
Based on the last local election most voters in Great Fall are just plain clueless on everything.
Most voters elect the representatives. Clueless? Not from my point of view - and if Kathleen Gessaman is to have a chance, she should realize her biggest problem is her husband (brother?) who never shuts up. People are tired of his prissy mannerisms.
Don't bother Anon 5:01 appears to be brain dead.....
Mannerisms- tone - civility- "didn't ask nicely" talk too long.
Tough shit.
You deserve NO respect. You are a DANGER to a free society. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you are only fooling yourselves, Bronson & Rosenbaum. Why did Bronson not resign his commission seat? No, he dosen't have too. But if he wins then 4 people will get to appoint a Commissioner to replace him. Remember that is how we got that AHole rOSENBAUM IN THE FIRST PLACE.
It would be just like them to throw Stebbins a bone and appoint the seat to her since she would never get re-elected in the general. Is this the plan to get the game ongoing?
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