This is a personal post from me, Sandra Guynn, aka GFGirl and the author of Cataract City.
I have made the decision to run for the Great Falls mayoral position.
I have been involved in Great Falls government for about four years. I am currently in my second year as the chair of Neighborhood Council 4.
My platform is very simple:
According to the city's organizational chart, the citizens are #1. Unfortunately, the citizens have not been treated as #1 for a number of years. If elected, I will change that.
A separate campaign blog will be up and running soon. I will continue to post to Cataract City as I always have.
A press release was sent yesterday. KFBB came and did a short interview, which aired last night on the 10:00p.m. news. (For the record, my last name rhymes with "win").
(Here is the Tribune's article from Sunday's (5/03) paper).
(Here is the Tribune's article from Sunday's (5/03) paper).
"For Citizens To Win, Vote For Guynn"
Thanks in advance for your support!
Thanks in advance for your support!
Sandra, Great Falls citizens couldn't make a better choice by voting you in as Major. Thank you for running!
You say that the citizens come first. Well OK then, show it.
Would you allow ALL public comment at city council meetings?
Is the word "double talk" an arrestable offense in your mind?
What ARE some words that you would find objectionable?
Do you feel that plainclothesed cops need to be in attendance? Or would the room be better off with maybe ONE cop in uniform, or no cops at all?
Are you so fearful of the people of GF that there even NEEDS to be cops there? Why? What is the threat?
Would you support ALL future votes on items like a giant coal plant?
Are you a stealth candidate like Donna was, one who will change the minute you get in?
OK, that's enough for now. Now answer them convincingly! Please.
"For Citizens To Win, Vote For Guynn"
Great slogan and I am in your court as we desperately need a breath of fresh air at city hall......
Good luck!
Lest we forget, DONNA was going to be a "breath of fresh air"! Come ON, guys. This AIN'T musical chairs. The reality is that we already HAVE a great candidate in Ed Mcknight. Is Ms. Guynn simply another spoiler candidate? She needs to point out just WHY she would be better than Ed, an exceptional candidate.
Settle down Larry and get a grip on yourself. You can't even vote in this election.
Ask Mr. McKnight about keeping $1700 in HUD money that was entrusted to him for a renter that had vacated several months before. Not much of a candidate, if you ask me.
"settle down"?? If THAT is your attitude, vote for Donna again! And BTW, to make false accusations against Ed are pretty cowardly. At LEAST put a name to the accusations.
Where is your name?
This is Magicman,
I am voting for Guywnn because I believe in "OTAG"; Open, Transparent, Accountable, Government. Something we haven't had within the current city government for quite some time. Also, for those of you who are questioning if Guywnn means what she says, I ask you: Have you not been reading her blog and got a feeling of what she stands for? If you have been reading, OTAG makes perfect sense.
Guywnn has my vote!
GF Girl, thanks for stepping up - based on what I know about you via your blog for the last several months, I am optimistic about both your chances of winning, and your leadership as Mayor.
You Go Girl!
I support Sandra Guynn for Mayor.
Sandra Guynn is an excellent candidate for Mayor. I am convinced that Sandra Guynn's desire to to serve and be accountable to the people of great falls is as sincere as anyone can be. I am so pleased that someone with the caliber of Sandra would come forward and be focused of the fundamentals of good government.
I know Sandra to have the best interest of Great Falls at heart, to restore ownership to the people and is aligned with Open, transparent and accountable government, truly a breath of fresh air.
Way to Go Sandra, you definatly have my vote. I have been reading your blog for some time, and you are VERY open. You search for the truth, and are very informed.
Mary Jolley and you are a good first step!
Anon 3:32 -
Below is an e-mail from Greg Sukut (406-727-4311), Program Supervisor, and highest ranking official involved in the case where I agreed NOT to evict a client at the request of HUD. The result of my allowing the tenant continued occupancy with no actual dated lease resulted in an overpayment of the canceled lease which I promptly repaid. I lost money for an apartment in limbo while caseworkers got their act together.
Greg Addresses Open Records rules and city policy. My repayment of the overpayment is on record for anyone to inspect.
Only a city employee at the housing office would have access to that information. For a city employee to engage in rumormongering and try to make it seem that I somehow ripped off the system in unconscionable. I will be filing a complaint.
Mr. McKnight - The Great Falls Housing Authority was created and operates under Montana statues for Municipal Housing Authorities and as such, information and records at the GFHA are public except for those items of personal tenant information which would be considered private, such as; social security numbers, income, issues of disability.
The GFHA is managed by the City of Great Falls and all employees have received and are aware of personnel policies pertaining to dealing with confidential or sensitive information. These policies are available for review at the city offices or the Housing Authority office. If you feel that you would like to file a complaint, it should be addressed to The Board of Commissioners, Joe Boyle, Chairman, Great Falls Housing Authority, 1500 Chowen Springs Loop, Great Falls, MT 59405.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me or my supervisors, Kevin Hager (Deputy Director) or Cheryl Patton (Executive Director) 453-4311.
I hope this answers your questions.
Greg Sukut
Project Manager
Great Falls Housing Authority
Looks like the new Mayor and New commission will have their hands full -cleaning house.......
Thank you, Ed, for your explanation of the accusations against you. I KNEW that sumthin' was very fishy with that accusation. No WONDER the little weasely b*stard refused to put a name the accusation. I hope that you can achieve some satisfaction with your complaint. And yes, it's INCREDIBLE that a city employee would make such an unjustified accusation. Well, no it's not. It's kinda the way our city is run. But hey, not to worry. I see that Bronson (or should I say Prince Valiant with his goofy haircut) intends to make everything right by not allowing an "unnecessary criticism". What a freakin' BOZO that man is. Guynn is startin' to look REAL good bout now. If it's a two person race, it's gotta be Guynn. And your of her endorsement seals the deal for me.
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