Friday, May 1, 2009

SME's Modified Air Permit

The DEQ has posted SME's Air Quality Permit Application for their gas plant. Here you can find the Appendix A-H. (Additional appendices are not yet online).

On page 12 of the application: "Southern provides wholesale electric energy and related services to approximately 100,000 Montanans". [emphasis added].

I guess it's a good thing SME does not update their website, because it seems that they are still including the citizens of Great Falls in this number: "The five member cooperatives serve approximately 65,000 Montanans, and the City of Great Falls has a population of 57,000".

According to Yellowstone Valley Electric, they have 12,000 members. If you deduct that from 65,000, (they are not a member of the "new" SME) then SME only provides electricity to about 53,000 Montanans, not 100,000 as quoted.


Anonymous said...

Good catch. SME 'pushing' the numbers and why is it diligent citizens catching all this instead our government watchdogs?

Great Falls Guy said...

Government watchdogs? What government watchdogs?

The DEQ is gutted and powerless under our current governor/legislature.

The local yokels are a joke and our news media (Tribune) is fast asleep on such issues!


firefly said...

Solely in the interest of fairness, I will point out that Yellowstone has approximately 12,000 member/owners, and serves 16,579 meters. (2008 YVEC annual report) Many of those meters serve businesses, and the majority of the rest serve family dwellings. One meter may serve a family of 5, for example.

Since the new SME is a development co., which does not supply power to anyone, and Yellowstone still receives power from the old SME, until and unless they can break their contract, the old SME still serves the meters, and Montanans, supplied by Yellowstone.