The ECP meetings are a good example of why I decided to run for the Great Falls mayoral position.
I attended last night's meeting and the same thing happened as has happened in the past: NO copies of the paperwork discussed are provided to the citizens in attendance at these meetings; however, the documentation magically appears about a week or so AFTER the meetings on the city's ECP's website page.
I attended last night's meeting and the same thing happened as has happened in the past: NO copies of the paperwork discussed are provided to the citizens in attendance at these meetings; however, the documentation magically appears about a week or so AFTER the meetings on the city's ECP's website page.
This doesn't happen because Coleen doesn't have the packet prepared by the time of the meeting. Every board member has the packet as well as other city officials, including the assistant city manager, who sat just a couple of seats away from me.
So much for operating in a fishbowl.
The water in this fish bowl stinks and is too cloudy to see in. Can our elections come soon enough to save our sinking ship while "city manger" Balzarini rearranges the deck chairs?
Did you even ask?
"city manger?" Good grief, illiteracy rules.
Yep anon 12:31, if you have been even partially paying attention these past months you would know our real city manager has been AWOL while his fiscal officer Ms. Balzarini does SME duties at city hall.....
Your perception, Mr. Illiterate.
So what does Candidate Bronson think about this lack of timely information to enable OPEN government???? He's been to these meetings. AFTER the meeting is
So what does Candidate Bronson think about this lack of timely information to enable OPEN government???? He's been to these meetings. AFTER the meeting is
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