Thursday, April 9, 2009

"We Must Take America Back"

A local patriot who is helping to organize next Wednesday's Tea Party contacted the writer and performer of WE MUST TAKE AMERICA BACK. For the time being, he is giving folks permission to download it for free. All he asks is that you play it very LOUD!

Dear Jack,
I want nothing to stand in the way of folks enjoying and spreading the message of WE MUST TAKE AMERICA BACK.

So for the time being I have made it a completely FREE download without restrictions on my web site.

Please tell your friends - and those pesky radio and tv personalities - to come and get it!

And don't forget to watch the video when you visit the site -

Thanks for all your kind words of encouragement.
Steve Vaus

1 comment:

PigDaddy said...

The obamanators (acorn) is going to try and disrupt these events. I hope to hell they get boo'd and hissed in every city and town across America. We need to take back this country from those willing to erase the American ideals and substitue things that are foreign to this country.