Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Public Safety Levy To Move Forward

At last night's City Commission work session, the Commission agreed to hold the public safety levy on August 4. By a 3-2 vote, the proposed levies (fire/rescue and police) will be separated on the ballot.

Commissioners Beecher and Rosenbaum thought the levies should be combined.

"Rosenbaum expressed concern that voters might get the wrong idea with two separate levies and vote for only one of them. "I'd like both of them to pass, obviously," Rosenbaum said.

Yes, voters. One of our elected officials, who is supposed to represent us, didn't want us to have a choice, because we might make the "wrong" decision. (Beecher did not share why he was opposed to separating the levies).


Anonymous said...

Guns versus hoses!!!

Anonymous said...

Two votes NO and better than one vote NO.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how almost everything is filtered through your dislike of government. You are not a bright woman.

Anonymous said...

anon. at 9:34am:

She must have hit the nail on the head and a nerve at the same time.

Anonymous said...

9:34 must not be a property tax payer. Not to worry, the rent your trailer will reflect any increases, and then some.

Anonymous said...

9:34 proves what the good people are up against, stupid people in power with their snouts in the trough of taxpayers.

Only someone with a vested interest would be threatened enough to make such a stupid comment.

It's amazing how dimwits like 9:34 actually prove the case against themselvs.

Oh how their snouts will hurt.

Anonymous said...

Doggie Donna's fire brigade cut their own throat when they publicly jumped on the Stubings/Gregori bandwagon.

Funny how the unbelievably stupid comments comes from the Stubings fans.

How "nasty".

Anonymous said...

First rosenbaum flushes millions down the drain, openly says he has no regrets, now he is concerned.

Rosenbaum is a perfect example of a 100% rubber stamp, can anyone give an example of something not rubber stamped?

the one time rosembaum went on his own, against the other commissioners, was to rubber stamp the 40 year contract stating nothing needed to be thought of or discussed. The other commissioners voted to table for two weeks.

A monkey could do what rosembaum does but it would cost more to keep a monkey.

On the other hand a monkey wouldn't display such arrogance and contempt for the public.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for the monkey, maybe he would rip off a face or two.

Anonymous said...

These bobbleheads will never get it. Bring on the elections so we can get this city back in order.......

Anonymous said...

Commissioners Rosenbaum and Beecher 'thought'? What a concept, as we know they don't speak to the peasantry at the 'Royal Commission' meetings....

big sky husker said...

Anon at 9:34...

Can you walk and chew gum at the same time? I doubt it.