Monday, April 27, 2009

"Get The Facts"

That was a quote in Saturday's Tribune from Coleen Balzarini. The hypocrisy of the statement would be laughable, if the situation were not so serious:

She said it is upsetting that area bloggers would post the information online without more explanation, saying they should "get the facts." "All they had to do is call and ask," she said. [emphasis added]

Ms. Balzarni is not as forthcoming as she likes to make it sound. Remember the secret box?

According to City Attorney Gliko, Coleen is the one who did the "independent" review of what documents went in and what stayed out.

If you give her a ring to "get the facts", let us know the results.


Anonymous said...

There are two diverse sets of facts. The tribune as usual only goes with the diversionay set designed to keep the public in the dark.

Their goal is to shootdown any that dare question the city.

Anonymous said...

Remember, Ms. Balzarini said the city commission work sessions allowed public input, right? How often do we here the mayor asking
for public input during work session? It happened once or twice
only be the insistence by citizens.

Anonymous said...

City hall could really car less about pubic input and collecting "real facts". Had they done there homework, listened to the public, and colleted the real facts they would not now be broke and grasping at straws with ECP and other enterrises.

As far as Lawton's' SME trustee double dipping pay goes, I have to fall back to the IRS filed documents that were filled by SME and they are what they are. They state that Lawton was paid for those two years, there is no further explanations or additional filings.

Is this the complete story on this epasode of wrondoing? Probably not as far as we citizens are concerned......