Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What Irony

Last night's work session focused solely on the public safety levy and the police department. Chief Grove did a good job outlining his department's needs, although his presentation did not mention costs and manpower associated with the animal shelter.

City Manager Doyon asked the commissioners what they were hearing from the public regarding the levy. Commissioner Jolley, as reported in today's paper, has heard that folks think the levy is only necessary because the city wasted money on energy ventures. The other commissioners and the mayor have heard positive things.

The meeting started at 5:30pm and was over by 6:30pm. There was still nearly a 1/2 hour to hear from the PUBLIC, the very people they said they wanted to hear from. Mayor Dona was ready to adjourn the meeting when Mr. Gessaman asked if she was going to allow public comment. She barked out yes at which time he asked if SB486 would have a bearing on Great Falls' levy. City staff didn't think so since that bill focuses on how a city spends public safety mill levies. (The Billings Gazette has an interesting article concerning the Billings city council voting no to support this bill).

I think it would be a very good idea to have another work session devoted entirely to public comment, because contrary to what some of the commissioners are saying, not everyone is hearing positive comments.

And after all, getting this levy passed or not has everything to do with the public.


Anonymous said...

"The other commissioners and the mayor have heard positive things."

Sure, from each other.

Anonymous said...

How can you tell when Great Falls politicians are lying?

Their lips are moving.

What they SAY they want and what they really want are galaxies far, far apart.

Anonymous said...

Let's see what it's going to 'truly' cost operating the animal shelter, and will the Humane Society be part of the solution or continued to be marginalized? Will we be subject to an animal shelter levy or what? Animals DO, yes do, need to be cared for and protected, but so does our underfunded city/county health department.

Anonymous said...

These are the same commissioners who work behind closed doors to exclude the public's input. I refer to their latest fiasco with the phone poll by city staff to pursue a lawsuit against the PSC with no publication and/or public input.

At least commissioners Mary Jolly and Bill Bronson declined to participate in that breaking of the law and public's trust and now the majority old guard commissioners expect us to believe and support them on this matter......

"Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"! I will not be fooled twice by this bunch......

The city manager has recently stated that our city budget is bleeding badly in certain areas. I suggest they and he fix those areas FIRST! What kind of brains are running this show anyhow?

Anonymous said...

"Bill Bronson declined to participate in that breaking of the law "

How would you know that - he did not say how he polled on eway or the other.

Anonymous said...

So basically Bill Bronson plead the Fifth?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:54

You are correct, I do not know for sure what Bronson thinks about this. I only know what was reported in the Tribune that Stebbins, Beecher, and Rosebaum were in favor. Mary Jolley was reported concerned that the public was not included and nothing was said about Bronson. Maybe its time for him to weigh in on the rights of the public to participate.........

Anonymous said...

accountabliy of the 'bleeding' first before one more nickel in tax..

Anonymous said...

Didn't we already have some 'pols' out of touch in their 'bubbles' leave DC, like 'heck of a job, Brownie'??