At Tuesday night's City Commission meeting, I mentioned that Commissioner Rosenbaum responded that the reason he thought a poll vote to take the Public Service Commission to court was OK was because the issue was "ongoing".
After attending many City Commission meetings, I can tell you that a lot of what the Commission decides is from some "ongoing" matter. It may be listed as "New Buisness" on the agenda, but the core issue was from before. Think Animal Shelter, ECP, Water Rights, SME, HGS and now a gasification plant. And this list doesn't include the core functions of a city such as roads, sewers, water lines, public safety, etc.
So according to Rosenbaum's very telling statement, there are all kinds of decisions that could be made by a poll vote and one can't help but wonder how many have.
We can't always rely on Commissioner Jolley to know. She has said more than once that she doesn't always know what is going on, because she is kept "out of the loop". Heck. She wasn't even told how her fellow commissioners voted on the PSC suit. (We still don't know about Bronson).
As Mr. Liebert questioned the commission, why even have these meetings at all?
Rosenbaum didn't even try to redeem himself and Stebbins and Bronson made no comment. (Beecher was absent).
Rosenbaum didn't even try to redeem himself and Stebbins and Bronson made no comment. (Beecher was absent).
I am not a lawyer, but is there anything in the city charter or montana open records laws allowing poll votes for old business items? I don't think so ...
This speaks volumes and goes right to the heart of the credibility of these three commissioners. Bronson will eventually have to fess up to what he did or did not do in this poll.
Also, Just who at city hall conducted this (illegal?) poll?
Elections are coming and these issues are just some of the critical questions that will need lots of explanation!
This really makes some people wonder what else has been going on that has never come to light. Only one has any credibility on the commission and the hope is she stays in there till help arrives.
Poll vote illegal, the city staffer who took the 'vote' knew what she was doing and facilitating the violation of open meeting laws, charter and constitution period.
Bronson is smart he will not let the public know how he voted in a poll vote. Folks these peole do not want any of us to know the inner works of our city government. I am starting to believe that many of them are their to further the cause, their own and those that they lay in bed with. Remember this when we vote latter thi year for two commissioner seats and a mayor. All we need to do is unseat two and replace them with folks like Commissioner Jolley and then Bronson will be isolated, his vote and voice going unheard.
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