Friday, January 9, 2009

Our Tax Dollars At Work

According to City Manager Greg Doyon, Commissioner Rosenbaum requested that the City Commissioners should take the Meyers Briggs workshop.

What follows are e-mails between Commissioner Jolley and Mr. Doyon's secretary and Mr. Doyon's response:

Subject: Meyers Briggs workshop
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 16:33:46 -0700
From: Joyce Thares
To: Bill Beecher, Bill Bronson, Dona Stebbins, John Rosenbaum, Mary Jolly
CC: Mark Willmarth

I am working to schedule the Meyers Briggs workshop with Mark Willmarth and the commission. Please let me know if either of these dates work for you:

Tuesday, January 20, 2-4 p.m.
Thursday, January 22, 2-4 p.m.

As a reminder, Commissioners Beecher and Bronson still need to complete the assessment form and get it back to Mark.

Thanks. Joyce

From: Mary Jolley
To: Joyce Thares
Subject: RE: Meyers Briggs workshop
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 15:13:30 +0000

I will not be attending the workshop.

From: Mary Jolley
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 8:43 AM
To: Joyce Thares; Greg Doyon
Subject: RE: Meyers Briggs workshop

On second thought, is this Workshop opened to the Public? I might reconsider if it is. And could you please put in writing the reason, pupose or hoped for outcome of the Workshop.


Subject: Response to Commissioner Jolley's concerns
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 08:59:20 -0700
From: Greg Doyon
To: Bill Beecher, Bill Bronson, Dona Stebbins, John Rosenbaum, Mary Jolley
cc: Joyce Thares

Commissioner Rosenbaum requested that the Commission consider having a workshop facilitated by Mark Willmarth on our Meyer’s-Briggs personality types. This is not a psycho-analysis, but an opportunity for the Commission and the manager to learn more about how we communicate individually and collectively.

As you know, all meetings where a majority of the Commission are present are public. This session will be conducted as a workshop session.

Once we get a full response from the other Commissioners , we’ll advise you of the final date and time if you want to participate.

- Gtd


david said...

Sheesh. Complete, total, utter waste of time (and money, if they are paying for this in any form).

Anonymous said...

Not only is the City paying for it, but Mark Willmarth is on the City payroll...

Anonymous said...

When I worked for the City they required every full time employee in our department to take the Briggs and Meyers. They said the results would not be used against anyone but were just for teambuilding. Nobody trusted them. I don't recall Willmarth doing much more than handing out the test to take home. Most of the tests were completed by someone other than the person who handed it in. Part time employees, spouses, friends, everyone that felt like taking 5 minutes to answer the questions for the person that received the test took part. I know the City was aware of this but felt it was more important they got the tests completed even if the results were skewed. If they did not do something like this now and then Willmarth would be out of a job.

Anonymous said...

The commissioners have made it clear they not interested in "communicating", They are interested in rhetoric that proves they are "right" and the uninfirmed peons are "wrong". They are interested in touchey feely goop that shows they are only "misunderstood" and there is no flaw in their reasoning.

In 1 year three of the commissioners will be gone, and good riddance. They have already failed and nothing can be done now except minimize the damage.

In ten months we can vote for more of the same, or someone who understands the position and what is going on.

What was bronsons position? He has exhibited "leadership in resolving the power crisis" and he is "tired of people who complain"?

What was Stebbns claim to fame? She made dogs "happy and healthy for the first time"?

Rosenbaums accomplishments? No disscussion is needed the 40 yr contract should be signed immediatly, we can sell the air permit tomorrow, Supprised at losing money, It's not his job to know the details, no regrets?

Beechers big contribution? He has "unqualified audited accounts", (maybe he could look at them once and a while) showing how spokane stops public involvement?

Maybe it's not all the commissioners fault.

Maybe the people of great falls deserve the "Leadership" they put in place.

Maybe this town is as petty and narrow-minded as the commissioners and the commision only reflects the true nature of our community.

Maybe, but then again, maybe not, time will tell.

Anonymous said...

The MMPI is what is really needed.

Anonymous said...

A lie detector test with would be more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for a psychiatric exam for three commissioneres and our mayor.....

Anonymous said...

They don't need the Meyers-Briggs, the 'Old Guard' need to read their code of ethics first, that's leadership 101...that test won't help them get out of the numerous
dilemnas they've created and won't matter if they get to know their 'inner child'....Commissioner
Jolley was wise to not participate and she knows herself and is solid.

david said...

By the way -- I would really, really like it if it commenters would register and tell us who they are.

Be open - be honest.

Anonymous said...

anonymous pot shots on both sides shows the real discontent brewing in this town.

Good to see donna and gloria taking their shots here. Their true feelings and thoughts are exhibited but the style is unmistakable behind the anon label.

Sandra Guynn said...

Usually, in order to have a productive meeting, information has to be shared and discussed.

Unless the respondent gives permission, their results are confidential and are not supposed to be used to label them.

Anonymous said...

Forget the tests, I'm waiting for the criminal trials to begin.