Monday, December 29, 2008

Back To Business

Okay. It's time now to get back to the business of the city and our problems.

As posted here, the city (ECP) has been named in a lawsuit filed by Yellowstone Electric.

Below is an e-mail dated Dec. 18 from City Manger Doyon pertaining to this issue:

(MMIA = Montana Municipal Insurance Authority)

A few questions/concerns:

1. Who is responsible for physically doing the securing? Is it the IT (Information Technology) department, which by the way is under the supervision of fiscal services (Coleen Balzarini)?

2. As of this date, has the city complied with this directive? (The memo states ASAP).

3. Who is held ultimately liable if this doesn't happen, especially with personal computers?

4. How does this situation effect this one? We are still waiting for the judge's ruling, but if the judge should rule in favor of the plaintiff, will the public be able to view the "secret box"?

5. Will the public be able to view any other relevant correspondence since this directive? For example, I would find it hard to believe that there wasn't some communicating between Coleen and Gregori after the last ECP board meeting. After all, there was some serious questions raised about this entire endeavor.


Anonymous said...

Not to worry, they can try and delete files but the data has already been captured, especially the emails.

My guess is one or several disgruntled city employees have already secured incriminating evidence.

The chickens are coming home.

Anonymous said...

It has already been documented that Colleen Balzarini has destroyed pertinent materials in this regard. How much other material has she disposed of and why is the fox left watching this chicken-coop at city hall?

Anonymous said...

The 'house of cards' is coming down and the city better have a 'escape' plan ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Egads, NO firewalls between fiscal services and Information Technology, which is an undesirable situation, especially when under the 'supervision' of Ms. Balzarini, who is named in Yellowstone's complaint.

Anonymous said...

City Manager Doyon seems happy to let Colleen steer us into the reef.

Way to fill those shoes.

Anonymous said...

Jonny Rotten name should be all over this mess given the close relationship between him and our Fiscal Officer. I wouldn't doubt he's been consulted from the get go on this situation. Doyon might soon come to realize he's only a puppet being pulled into the abyss.