Thursday, May 8, 2008

Good Job

The Tribune today has a good editorial about the city's neighborhood councils.

If you have never attended a meeting, give it a try, and if you're not sure which council you belong to, click here. (This link is also found at this site on the right side of the page under Other Links).

All meetings are open to the public and you do not need to be a resident of the neighborhood to attend that council's meetings.

To learn more about Neighborhood Councils and their role, the city has a good FAQs page or you can call Patty Cadwell, Neighborhood Council coordinator at 455-8496.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coucnils may not have direct legislative authority (and very pleased to know Commisioners Bronson and Jolley attend council gatherings), but they have MORAL
authority and can do so much to solve problems and improve our community, such as ideas for recycling, public transit, etc.