Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So Far, I'm Impressed

At tonight's City Commission meeting, the city manager did three things that impressed me:

1. When discussion ensued over the agreement with WRS, Stuart Lewin brought to the commission his concerns with item #15, Indemnification. He felt it was not in the city's best interest to have this clause. In the process of his explanation, Mr. Doyon was speaking with Dave Gliko, the city attorney, and after some dialogue, Mr. Doyon asked the commission to withdraw their motion on the agreement and to table it until further review of the clause could be completed. The commission tabled it until further notice by the city manager.

2. Mr. Doyon asked that his performance goals be reviewed by the Commission at the next work session.

3. When Coleen Balzarini threw her temper tantrum and left commission chambers before the meeting was over, he did not ignore her behavior, but got up out of the meeting, followed her down the hall and spoke to her.

If you're not attending or watching these meetings on TV, you might want to reconsider. History appears to be in the making.

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