Monday, April 28, 2008

Another Road Block For SME

According to Yellowstone Valley, they are removing themselves from the Highwood Generating Station project. In a letter to their members, they think the rising cost of the plant could increase the cost of power to the point that it will be cost prohibitive.

It's good to hear that somebody involved with this outfit has finally seen the light (no pun intended).

"SME CEO Tim Gregori said Yellowstone Valley requested that the cooperative be “insulated” from any further development costs related to building Highwood Station.The SME board of directors voted that, as of May 1, the cooperative will no longer responsible for further development costs. A separate legal entity was created, from an accounting standpoint, “to demonstrate the insulation,” Gregori said."

A couple of statements from Mr. Gregori cause concern:

1. "...a separate entity was created, from an accounting standpoint". (emphasis added)

I attended the ECP board meeting in April. Tim Gregori was the featured speaker and mentioned not one thing about a separate entity. When did this happen? Is the City of Great Falls a member of this entity? If so, when did the City agree to become a member?

2. "the four other rural cooperatives that make up the project and the utility arm of Great Falls remain firmly behind building the plant".

Real interesting, because Commissioner Jolley says, "Who says the city is firmly behind anything now. Nobody asked me."

I would like to hear from our city manager (not Coleen Balzarini) on this new development.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The 'house of cards' is coming down and it will be a real test of moral leadership to see what the city leadership will do and Commissioner Jolley's already shown her prudent judgement to say 'no' to HGS, but will the rest of the commission come to their senses - cents?

Since WHEN has the city commission deliberated on this 'new' scenario that Lawton left behind for Mr. Doyon? We've NO development agreement, just a handshake between Lawton, Gray and Gregori and would you take that to the bank? They've done that but they taken you along for the ride as well. The commission - Dec 05 - laid out reasonable and very deliberate conditions in the development agreement, specifically toward TERMINATION criteria. Since we've not signed
any agreement, maybe we're better off? What's binding US to this 'boondoggle' folly but for the handshakes of these 'architects'?