Friday, March 14, 2008

More Fun And Games

Here is the March 18, 2008 City Commission agenda.

Electric Fund:

The January 2008 "payment of energy supply" is $719,841. This amount was paid by wire transfer on February 19, 2008.

Serious concerns:

1. The payment was made on the day of a City Commission meeting. Why couldn't the payment have been listed on the Feb. 19 agenda, approved, and then wired?

2. I remember asking Mary Jolley if she knew why the January power bill was not listed on the March 4 agenda. She was told they had not yet arrived. If that were the case, how could they have been paid on Feb. 19?

3. Assuming the January bill was actually received in time for the March 4 meeting, why wasn't it listed on the March 4 agenda? It's not until one month AFTER the payment was made, that the City Commission is finally taking a vote on it.

I'm assuming the December 07 "payment of energy supply" in the amount of $63,251 is what fiscal services used to call "energy imbalances". That amount was paid by wire transfer on March 11. Now you mean to tell me the payment couldn't wait until March 18, be approved, and then wired?

No worries though. The city received a clean audit.

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