Thursday, December 20, 2007

Animal Shelter Fiasco

There was an article in today's (Friday, 12/21) paper about the ongoing problems at the shelter. Mayor Stebbins sure didn't put her best foot forward:

"Frankly, it sounds like a disgruntled employee and ex-employee working with the HSCC and other disaffected members of the animal community in an orchestrated attempt to embarrass the city. In fact, I am a little surprised that the media fell for it.."

If you would like to read an in-depth explanation of what one local blogger thinks, click here. (We may have found out the identity of Holy Hal of the Tribune forums).
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I just don't get it. I never thought in my wildest dreams that the operation of an animal shelter could cause such controversy. Everything I've heard has pointed to all parties wanting what is best for the animals, but the opposite seems to be happening. And no matter what the investigation finds, there will still be controversy. I'm very interested to see just how the city handles this matter given that they are investigating themselves.

1 comment:

WolfPack said...

I agree with your befuddlement over this issue. It seems absurd to think that either side does not care about the animals and as soon as I hear one side accuse the other of intentional animal cruelty my internal bullshit detector goes off.