The highlight of last night's City Commission meeting had nothing to do with the nearly 40 agenda items, but rather what occurred at the end of the meeting, during Petitions and Communications.
Stuart Nicholson, who made it very clear that he is retired from a 30+ year stint as the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of DA Davidson, presented quite a performance.
He started off by discussing the success of the Lions festivities and the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and then he "let 'er rip". He proceeded to tell the commissioners that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! He's had it with the way citizens speak at the podium. He even went so far as to say they use inappropriate, blasphemous language, etc. He reminded them that they need to take back control, or words to that effect.
Stuart Nicholson, who made it very clear that he is retired from a 30+ year stint as the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of DA Davidson, presented quite a performance.
He started off by discussing the success of the Lions festivities and the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and then he "let 'er rip". He proceeded to tell the commissioners that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! He's had it with the way citizens speak at the podium. He even went so far as to say they use inappropriate, blasphemous language, etc. He reminded them that they need to take back control, or words to that effect.
When the buzzer went off, signaling that his five minutes was up, the mayor didn't tell him his time was up until Commissioner Jolley made some hand motions to that effect. Nicholson didn't quit speaking, but rather held up his hand in a dismissive gesture to the mayor and continued his insult toward the citizens. The mayor told him a couple of more times that his time was up, but she was laughing when she said it. When he finally shut up the mayor thanked him very much for his comments. (I wonder if he is this obnoxious and insulting at school board meetings).
Thankfully, his weren't the last words heard on the subject. Lt. Col (ret., USAR) Richard Liebert very promptly went to the podium and informed everybody about their First Amendment right to free speech. He reiterated that he has never used inappropriate language and that citizens have the right to express their views. He also stated that he very much resented the remarks made and that they were also an insult to those who defend our rights to free speech.
In the three years I have attended City Commission meetings, I have never seen Nicholson at any of them.
I just can't help but think his little performance has something to do with an upcoming election.
I just can't help but think his little performance has something to do with an upcoming election.
Wow - wish I had been there to see it! How did the audience react - were they amused, angry, or just baffled?
By the end of the meeting, several in the audience had left so missed the festivities.
The majority of us who were still in attendance support OTAG; Open, Transparent Accountable government. For us, it definitely was not amusing.
It's no wonder the city is in deep trouble if this IDIOT has been their financial advisor......
Uh, Anonymous -- the post said that Nicholson is the former CFO of DA DAVIDSON, not the City of Great Falls.
I'm not surprised the assumption was made. That bootlicker must be connected with our city government in some manner.
I see these comments as a new low - getting down and dirty and searching for votes. I predict you will be soundly defeated, and deservedly so. Losers, all!
I predict the levies will be soundly defeated. The people who are afraid to speak at public meeting for fear of abuse of God given rights will speak by voting no.
I think we're looking at this all wrong. It's a great thing that the good 'ol boys club rats are coming out and speaking up. It makes it easier for us to identify who they are and then get rid of them.
The Statuq Quo, Quid Pro Quo Shadow
Government will be exposed as per our state Constitution's stand on open government....BUT citizens must get involved and take action....
The problem is that the City Commissioners have been "Robbing Pieter to Pay Paul." Ever since the start of the ECP adventure they have been taking funds out of city accounts, the General Fund, and even acquired a $1.5 million loan from Interstate Bank.
What is strange that the ECP customers are not charged any interest on the money loaned by the city. The majority of the members are not governmental agencies but private businesses and citizens.
It is also strange that only a few people have the courage to protest. The rest of the population prefers to remain quiet and a few others hide behind their anonymous name on the....Blogs... which quite save to express an opinion.
I think only a few show up because they are tired of the constant grandstanding of Liebert (NOT a city resident by the way) Dulman, Whitsoe, Hubbard, McKnight and a few others who think they are the only voices to be heard. There are a lot of CITY residents who pay attention, too, and they are put off by the constant BS that these few put out.
8:06, I understand your frustration, and advocates and fans for the city commission positions should themselves show up and speak up as Mr. Nicholson did. I may disagree with his statement and belief, but if citizens are indeed 'tired' of those who do speak out, they themselves should attend occasionally and use their rights of Free Speech themselves and follow the 'courage of their convictions'. Besides, non-dissenters have nothing to fear if they go over on the time-limit as we've seen again.
I may not be able to vote in the city, but I'm an advocate for my family members and friends in the city who bear the consequences of city actions.
As Voltaire (one of philosophers our Founders valued highly) said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it."
I invite you to the public forum and please speak your mind.
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