Another concerned citizen has filed for City Commissioner. Ms. Zook presented her press release last night at the City Commission meeting.
A Tribune reporter (not Rich Ecke) was there, but I did not find mention of her candidacy in today's paper.
A Tribune reporter (not Rich Ecke) was there, but I did not find mention of her candidacy in today's paper.
There was no mention of another candidate who announced last night during the commission meeting - mike Witso - this is now a real three ring circus - and the clowns are entering the arena!
No actually the clowns have been in the arena for years.
Beecher has been in about 12 I think and Rosenbaum at least that long. Donna's clown act is ending this year. Bronson is a clown who has been in other circuses all over town this is just his most visable gig.
Hmmm...lets review
Stebbins, Admits she refuses to listen and publicly goes back on her "word of honor".
Beecher, To this day refuses to admit the work session and new blended rate was because of the power cost and insists on the opposite.
Rosenbaum, Admits in public he can not even understand the simplest yes/no question and relies on tim gregori for advice and answers.
Bill Bronson, displays where his head is when he says its all the legislatures fault,
The real clowns are the ones who defend those action and make dimwitted posts of an elementary school child, instead of providing evidence.
No wonder things are so screwed up. Thanks for the proof 6:55, your comments are always welcome, no matter how stupid.
I'd rather attend a "circus" than swim in the cesspool that represents our current leadership(?) at silly hall.
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