Wednesday, June 3, 2009

2009 Public Safety Levy Info.

The City of Great Falls has prepared a levy information page that allows taxpayers to get information pertaining to the upcoming fire levy.

The fire department has done a very good job of explaining their need for additional funds and what it will cost the taxpayer on a graduated basis. They have incorporated a "levy cost calculator" with very good instructions on how to use it.

There is not separate information about the police levy or a levy cost calculator for their request, but you can find details here.


Anonymous said...

Yes it's not bad PR piece, but the
city must stop the bleeding all over before asking us for more...

Maria T said...

The City has the money - they don't need to do a Safety Levy - they just chose to spend the money on: recreation, Westbank park, parking garages, HGS/SME, forgiving debts, etc. It's a shame that legitimate services have to beg for money whilst the city throws it away on frivilous ventures. MT