Thursday, May 14, 2009

County Plans For 4th Street

At Neighborhood Council 7's meeting Monday night, County Commissioners Briggs and Salina and County Planning Director Brian Clifton presented their plans for 4th Street.

This update was sent to me from a citizen who attended:

The county had Big Sky Engineering come up with 5 Parking Options for 4th Street and their "Campus". They chose Option E which provides for 34 total additional parking spaces and still allows two-way traffic on 4th Street.

4th Street would have its parking meters removed, be widened to roughly the east edge of the existing east sidewalk, a raised pedestrian walkway (similar to those in front of Albertsons stores) installed from the Courthouse to the Annex, speed bumps placed at the north and south ends, and have 90 degree head-in parking placed on both sides (total 40 spaces).

Most or all of the existing trees would be saved by leaving green spaces in the parking areas. The 4th Street Parking Project would also include revamping the existing Courthouse parking lot, the old jail parking lot, re-landscaping the whole campus, etc.

No estimate of costs was presented.


Treasure State Jew said...


By separate email, I am sending you a PDF of a drawing that was presented by the county at the meeting. Can you post that up with your article?


Treasure State Jew said...

Speed bumps on the South end may be problematic, as 2nd Avenue is a State Road at higher speeds.

Sandra Guynn said...

See separate post: Additional info. about 4th Street

Rich Liebert said...

Good work Aaron....the public must see the plan.