Thank you to those of you who voted in my second poll on the public safety levy.
7 of you think police and fire should be listed separately on the ballot;
3 of you think it should be combined;
1 is not sure and would like more info.;
7 of you think police and fire should be listed separately on the ballot;
3 of you think it should be combined;
1 is not sure and would like more info.;
23 of you do not plan to vote for the levy.
The city has not decided yet if they are going to list fire and police separately on the ballot. If my very unofficial poll is a harbinger of things to come, it won't make a difference.
Can anyone say "out of touch with reality"
guaranteed failure should just be the cities slogan.
How much will it cost for the commission to be "surprised" yet again?
City Hall must earn our trust first and regain the public's confidence before any major tax increases. Let's hope new leadership and vision will work.
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