Monday, March 30, 2009

MEIC - 2nd Motion For Summary Judgement

Below is the link to the 20 page 2nd Motion For Summary Judgement brought by MEIC against the City of Great Falls and SME, dated March 20, 2009. It is very interesting reading.

A few highlights:

* "The City and SME apparently believe that as soon as the City entered into a business transaction with SME, it lost its status as a governmental entity and instead became subject to laws that define the relationship between private corporations". (page 2)

* Many of the documents being withheld cannot justifiably be so. (page 3)

* The City does not have any Constitutional Rights. (page 6)

* The Confidentiality Agreement signed on August 15, 2003 by former City Manger John Lawton and Coleen Balzarini, non-elected officials, is illegal. (page 15)

* Between 2003-2008 SME did not indicate any documents given to the city were confidential. (page 16)


Anonymous said...

Come on city leadership, exercise OPEN government or what are ya'll hiding? Are city staff communications that 'holy'?

GeeGuy said...

It is actually the Reply Brief in Support of the 2nd Motion for Summary Judgment.