At yesterday's budget hearings, City Manager Greg Doyon suggested the city hire an independent consultant to review the feasibility of the city continuing down the road of "public" power. He is quoted as saying, "It seems to me that we've been struggling".
I commend Mr. Doyon for finally suggesting this action to the Commission, although it should have been them telling him what to do. (See organizational chart).
The Commission has been hearing for years that ECP has not been a viable operation, which is in violation of its own ordinance, 2925. All of them, except for Commissioner Jolley, have blatantly ignored this. Getting solid financial, as well as other information from the city's fiscal director and the executive director of ECP, Coleen Balzarini, has been nothing less than a nightmare since the beginning. And yet, the majority of them have sat idly by, being spectators to this financial debacle. No big deal.
Now Commissioner Rosenbaum is all in favor of this independent review. "Get it done". Commissioner Beecher, the same, "Let's do it".
It's a little late now guys to redeem yourselves.
I commend Mr. Doyon for finally suggesting this action to the Commission, although it should have been them telling him what to do. (See organizational chart).
The Commission has been hearing for years that ECP has not been a viable operation, which is in violation of its own ordinance, 2925. All of them, except for Commissioner Jolley, have blatantly ignored this. Getting solid financial, as well as other information from the city's fiscal director and the executive director of ECP, Coleen Balzarini, has been nothing less than a nightmare since the beginning. And yet, the majority of them have sat idly by, being spectators to this financial debacle. No big deal.
Now Commissioner Rosenbaum is all in favor of this independent review. "Get it done". Commissioner Beecher, the same, "Let's do it".
It's a little late now guys to redeem yourselves.
The Commission has been hearing from a bunch of certifiable wingnuts on this issue. Let's get someone who REALLY knows what they are talking about.
Anyone with half a brain knows what needs to be done with ECP. It is way past time to cut off this loser. Save our tax dollars and just DO IT NOW!
The Wingnut mayor and her two broken bolts are the reason we are over our heads in sheep dip.
Forget the consultant, time for.a judge to hear a case against these criminals.
What does anyone expect; remember election time is just around the corner. Maybe they want to get re-elected.
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