Thursday, February 26, 2009

Who Authorized This?

At the ECP board meeting on Feb. 2, this item was on the agenda:

PSC/NWE/ECP Customer Meters – Next Step Options (District Court/Legislative)

Coleen indicated that if the City/ECP wanted to challenge the PSC's earlier ruling on this issue, they could sue the PSC in district court and/or go to the legislature.

When asked how much it would cost to go to court, Coleen said just under $10,000. The deadline to file would be Feb. 17. She also said something about Benefis paying a portion of the bill. The ECP board voted 4-0 in favor of going to court. (Bill Ryan was absent).

During the public comment portion of this item, I brought to the attention of the board that the earliest the City Commission could act on the matter would be Feb. 17, the night of the deadline. (Feb. 17 was the Commission's next scheduled meeting). I had to repeat the statement, because Coleen and chair Golie didn't get it the first time and asked if I was asking a question. Once the light bulb went on (no pun intended), they looked at each other and Coleen said very quietly that the City Commission could hold a "special meeting".

A special meeting wasn't held and according to the agenda for next Tuesday's Public Service Commission meeting, they will be discussing this:

3. Court Docket BDV 2009-127 – The City of Great Falls, Benefis Health Care, Inc., and Electric City Power, Inc. v Department of Public Service Regulation, Public Service Commission, and NorthWestern Energy – Information – Discuss petition for judicial review and plans to defend the Commission's order.

Since the City Commission didn't authorize the city's involvement, who do you suppose did?


Anonymous said...

Good question. It would appear that the tail is still wagging the dog. Did I see Lotten wandering the halls at city hall?

Anonymous said...

I see Colleen's lips moving every time Doyon speaks. What a tool.

Anonymous said...

We commissioners got emails with some disjointed references to MT Code from Coleen and I replied do not sue. Beecher replied by phone. I do not know how the other Commissioners responded.
I asked at our Agenda Meeting on Wednesday if this was something that we should do IN PUBLIC at a commission meeting. WE ARE GOING TO SPEND MONEY THAT WAS NOT AQPPROPRIATED BY OUR BUDGET RESOLUTION. Mr. Gliko was in the room he said," Because my boss told me to be here." He was there but offered no legal opinion.

Ms. Patton who was there in place of Mr. Doyon said, "The ECP Board approved it."

I said. The ECP is an advisory board - they advise and we approve."

Mr. Ecke was in the room and that is probably why the Mayor and Mr. Bronson were rather mute. No words spoken - no quotes in the paper.

I do not share their passion for keeping things and expenditures under cover. I do not believe we exercise out authority by email or phone call but by Resolutions and Ordinances which afford time for public comment, reporting by the press and discussion by the commissioners that all can hear.
Voters need to know What's Going On. (50 years of Motown 2009, Thanks Marvin Gaye)

Anonymous said...

Did the 'co-managers' decide?

Anonymous said...

'co-managers' ?

Anonymous said...

Mary, your judgement is excellent and right on.

It is too bad the other commissioners and staff do not understand our public rights. One would think that Bronson would look to the law and our constitution, but he appears to be just one of Lawton's pawns too.

Hang in there doing the people's work justly, help is on the way........

Anonymous said...


Don't give up. You are very much needed and appreciated.

GeeGuy said...

It's amazing how brazen people will act when there is no oversight.