Thursday, January 15, 2009

Involvement Causes Another Problem

For regular readers, you know that the city's involvement with private entity, SME, has caused major problems (here, here, here, here) for the city. Well, it looks like we've stumbled into another negative byproduct of that relationship.

In today's Tribune, we learn that the fire department applied for a grant last spring that would increase their staffing levels. According to presentations I have heard Chief McCamley give, the fire department is currently staffed at 1960s levels, even though the responsibilities of the department and the size of the city have grown. According to the chief, the city has fallen behind in national guidelines.

The good news is that the fire department was awarded a $1.73 million grant. The bad news is that the city has to absorb about $950,000 and agree to keep on the additional 16 firefighters this grant would allow. Right now, the city doesn't have the money.

The key issue, "Where's that money going to come from?"

Somehow, I don't think it will be coming back from SME.


GeeGuy said...

Or, put another way, where did it go? When one considers the red ink on ECP, not to mention the out of pocket expenses, it is clear that we could have easily handled the extra firefighters expense.

The City needs to ask itself: What is a proper role for a City? Fire service or electrical service?

(Not to mention that our actual power costs would have been less if we would have just stayed with Northwestern Energy.)

Anonymous said...

The city leadership has failed its public miserably. The question now is can we hold out until city commission elections this fall? ECP is bankrupt and the city as a whole is not far behind. This fiasco may have been avoided by the commissioners simply allowing for a public vote on the ECP and HGS projects instead of trying to ramrod thru these poorly thought out projects. Their house of cards is collapsing all around them and for the most part they still have their heads buried apparently hoping this will all go away.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that over $500,000 to be squandered on the animal shelter, a 'real' core function of the police dept., right? Does the Animal Foundation really think that the city will loan them $1.6 million and why can't we get the parties to agree on a compromise and get the police OUT of the animal business?

Sandra Guynn said...

Thanks Anonymous for your post at 8:11pm on Jan. 16th.

Blogger doesn't allowing editing of comments so I reran your comment without the inappropriate use of one word.

Anonymous said...
This city is being run by a bunch of asshats. I can't wait for the fall elections to get here. When the bill for their collective incompetence concerning the coal plant comes due, here's hoping someone puts a boot in their ass.

[deleted]..Butte is better run than here.

January 16, 2009 8:11 PM