Monday, November 17, 2008

Where Oh Were Has Our Little Dog Gone?

More than two months ago, on September 2 to be exact, Commissioner Rosenbaum appointed himself and few others to a "construction committee" to begin work on the new Animal Shelter. He was quite confident they could finish their work in "less than a month."

Well, here it is, 60+ days later and......nothing.

Anybody heard anything?


Anonymous said...

In this case the HOT AIR has risen out of site, as is normal with these commissioners.....

Anonymous said...

Indeed, if they say they do'll it, they should 'walk the talk' and maybe we can 'stop the bleeding' of police funding squandered on the animal shelter, and RETURN funding to deploy a police officer downtown....or maybe
we could even also fund the city/county health 'entity' properly.