Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blended Rate Vote

Here, I wondered how Mr. Doyon could vote in favor of a blended rate scenario, when the City Commission had not yet entered a decision regarding that.

Gregg has Mr. Doyon's response.


Anonymous said...

shameless, utterly shames and a mockery of open government unless SOMEBODY steps up and exhibits moral courage, please! I see
Golie, Balzarini, Bronson and Mr. Doyon get to 'see' all the secrets while the 'peasants' are out in the cold..........

Anonymous said...

Well, the city manager has been convinced to throw in with the dark side. The cronies that run this town have him all wrapped up with a big SME bow. So much for the peasants...

GeeGuy said...

Um, you guys should read his email more closely. He says: "It was me who voted “yes” along with a majority of SME Board to provide the blended rate to ECP."

As the City's designated representative on the Board, he is entitled to, nay, should vote on SME issues. He voted, on behalf of SME, to offer the blended rate to ECP.

Whether ECP accepts is a different issue. I think that is the issue you are all upset about.