Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Parking Fees To Increase

Maybe. At last night's City Commission meeting, which lasted for more than 3 hours, the Commission voted 3-2 to increase downtown parking fees. Commissioners Jolley, Bronson and Rosenbaum cited an out-of-balance budget as to why they voted for it.

Even though the increase was approved, the Commission told opponents that they are willing to hear other suggestions. They acknowledged that they had heard several good ideas during the public hearing and told folks to get together and present an alternative program as soon as possible.

New rates will take effect in 30 days unless another program is approved.


Anonymous said...

Citizens and business owners take heed and ACT, because if 'ya don't, then gov't rolls over the people again, whether it's Wall Street Bailout, etc...

Anonymous said...

Once again the majority commission failed TO LISTEN!
I was amazed that the mayor and Beecher got it, and very disappointed that Mary did not!