At last night's City Commission meeting, Commissioner Bronson outlined his ideas with regard to ECP and SME.
As background, City Manager Greg Doyon has been asking for direction from the City Commission with regard to these issues.
1. Commissioner Bronson does not feel the city should join the second SME entity that is involved in building the coal plant. His belief is based upon the expense and the city's lack of money. Having said that, he does want the Commission to endorse the building of the plant for economic reasons. Resolution 9537 will have to be amended.
2. He does feel the city should retain their electrical relationship with SME through ECP, although he feels the ECP board does need to be restructured. He is in favor of retaining the board as an advisory one to the Commission.
He expressed positive comments for the new members of the board (Ebeling and Gilbert) and their credentials and feels they can help in this endeavor.
Commissioner Bronson did say he appreciates and acknowledges the public's right to know. In so many words, he made reference to how this can be challenging when a public entity joins forces with a private company.
Bronson asked that the other commissioners respond soon to his suggestions.
Regardless of what you may think of Commissioner Bronson or his ideas, I commend him on taking the lead to give Mr. Doyon direction with regard to these issues. After all, that's what the Commission is supposed to be doing.
One small detail, these are not "Bronson's Ideas". These "ideas" have been suggested by the public for years and Bronson is simply smart enough to realize there are no options left so he is presenting himself as the source of the ideas.
Being forced into a corner and capitulating is not exactly leadership but does display more intelligence than his co-conspiritors.
Is he now going to be honest about how many millions have been squandered on his little tea party?
I doubt that Mr. Bronson would have put those ideas forth without conferring with the other commissioners. I believe their views echo his, and we will see how this plays out.
Nought from the Greeks towards me hath sped well.
So now I find that ancient proverb true,
Foes' gifts are no gifts: profit bring they none.
TOSS OFF THIS Highwood Trojan Horse and shut down ECP....
I don't think Mr. Bronson understands the TRUE cost of Highwood power and it's an attempt to
DENY transparency of any 'new' entity....
Commissioner Bronson is playing second fiddle as Rome burns. He does not realize he is a major part of the problem..........
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