Friday, September 5, 2008

It Just Never Ends

Just when we think we've seen and heard it all.

Gregg has good posts here and here about the latest stunt pulled by certain folks at the city to try to get out of doing their jobs and denying citizens their rights.

The city's risk manager has written a letter to the Montana Municipal Insurance Authority asking for "guidance and suggestions" on how to handle the requests for public information.

File uploaded by Gregg Smith

The letter mentions that instead of the issues of ECP and SME dying down, they are turning into an "inferno". You've got to be kidding. There's no way they can honestly be surprised by this.

Given the ongoing attitude of the city, I'm not surprised that someone thought a letter of this magnitude was necessary. My real concern is if the city manager was aware of this letter before it was sent (assuming it was), and if so, did he approve it. The letter is dated August 19, 2008 and according to the date stamp, his office received it on that date.

I'm trying real hard to hope for the best.


Anonymous said...

I had hoped that our new city manager would rise above the fray and really try to straighten out this Lawton era mess. My hopes have been dashed by this latest news and the apparent inactivity on his part to accomplish anything constructive in this sad regard......

Anonymous said...

Silence is consent sometimes...let's hope no 'Pontius Pilate' syndrome courage!