Friday, August 1, 2008

ECP IS In Violation Of City Code

Well, what do you know. A city staff member has gone on record as indicating that ECP has been in violation of City Code. According to the city attorney, Dave Gliko:

"...So, to operate at a deficit is a violation of City Code. Financing difficulties are also a result.

Another problem is that 69-7-201 M.C.A., requires a municipality operating a utility to adopt rules and regulations for the operation of the utility. ECP has never accomplished such adoption or recommendation to the City Commission for such adoption. The adoption of such rules is also a requirement of City Code, 5.20.080".
I wonder if this means Coleen Balzarini will stop rolling her eyes at City Commission meetings whenever ECP's violations are mentioned?


Anonymous said...

"I wonder if this means Coleen Balzarini will stop rolling her eyes at City Commission meetings whenever ECP's violations are mentioned?"


Anonymous said...

seems like the local media are the only ones not aware of this.

ECP proponents are aware but think that it's just a technicality that is not important.

Anonymous said...

Your site's TR quote never rang more true. Can we take bets on 'who' will be next in city hall under legal scrutiny - the 'old' city manager, the fiscal officer, ECP board, city commissioners that voted and continued sanctioning violations of city law, the new guy, city or attorney or combinations thereof? Maybe the way ahead is to repeal all the ordinances, dissolve ECP and get our money back from SME to restore essential city services like funding city/county public health, now that's a concept.