Tuesday, July 1, 2008

So Much For Traditional Media

In Sunday's Tribune, Eric Newhouse did a front page piece on the demise of NORAD, which occurred twenty five years ago.

A safe, already-happened story.

I'm not saying the article shouldn't have been written, but we CURRENTLY have this huge mess involving SME and the Trib. evidently doesn't think it enough of an issue to warrant an investigative story, in the here and now.

If nothing else about this boondoggle sparks their concern, you would think they would have at least jumped all over the issue of SME holding city leaders/employees to secrecy. Not a word from the editorial board.

Maybe in twenty five years. Oops, maybe not.

SME has the city of Great Falls held hostage for 40 years.

Maybe in the year 2050 we'll finally get the front page story, except, how many of us will be around to say, "we told you so."


Anonymous said...

Great Falls has a Newspaper?

I recently canceled this joke after a 4 1/2 months run. They screwed me out of the $20.00 free gift due after 3 months. They had the nerve to offer me the already overdue free gift if I stayed a subscriber.

I am now enjoying the WSJ at home and look to our GF blogs for anything newsworthy on the local front.


Anonymous said...

The editorial staff was outed by john lawton's e-mail as being in favor of dumping millions into this project.

The closeness of the editorial staff with the thinking of city insiders shows there is something more important to the tribune than "journalistic integrity".

Anonymous said...

The tribune is a lifetime member of the "Good Ole Boys Club" that controls most of the goings on in this community, including the SME give aways.

They will NEVER do an in-depth investigation even if the First Amendment hit em betweeen the eyes. which it has because they now have two black eyes with a lot of the public. I canceled my subscription two years ago when they did an editorial stating that our L &C Trail heritage should be sacrificed for the HGS coal plant. That did it for me!

I believe some of this all started back when ACM was controlling the ball here and in Montana and somehow persists into this day. Just my humble opinion after 70 years of observation.........

I too get most of my information (News) from the blogs and the internet. At least I can pick and choose what seems credible there..........

Anonymous said...

Typically....Great Falls totally lives in the past so this was a great story ...one for the ages. Keep the masses uninformed and you control them. This is good for the Trib and the City.

Anonymous said...

As Napoleon said, "It is not neccesary to censor the press, but only to delay it." Tonight's commission meeting was very disappointing in regards to transparency and openness.