Saturday, June 21, 2008

Water Rights Working Group Meeting

In today's business section of the Tribune is an announcement that the Water Rights Working Group will meet on Wednesday, June 25 from 8:00am to 9:30am at the Holiday Inn.

According to the announcement, The Water Rights Working Group is part of the Great Falls Development Authority. I googled the group and found nothing. I visited GFDA's website, and guess what, it STILL isn't updated. (When they can't get a website online, especially after they were offered help, it really makes one wonder about their competency level to accomplish anything else).

Dave Schmidt of Water Rights Solutions will give a presentation on a report he recently prepared for the city of Great Falls titled, "A Water Strategy for the Future".

This is the same business that has been working with the city for about six years and also has a conflict of interest, which wasn't a problem for John Lawton.

This sounds no different than the ECP board and the City Commission only receiving information (other than from public comment) about the coal plant from the guy who wants to build it.


Anonymous said...

More of the same 'spin' from the city's water mercenary.....

Anonymous said...

this guy the city's hired just 'regurgitating' the same hype...we need the truth and
why water rights were diminished under Lawton and have a damn good

Anonymous said...

Why was Lawton and our water consultant so anxious to gut our historic water right long before our day in the water court. The water judge may have agreed, at that time, that our founder Paris Gibson was correct.

Something reall fishy here. Who is going to benifit downstream from our volunteered loss?