Thursday, June 12, 2008

Time To Get To Work

I think it safe to say that the days of the City Commission sitting back and letting the city manager run the show with abandon, are over.

Thank you Mr. Doyon. It's about time.

Mr. Doyon finally received a response from SME with regard to his concerns about confidential and proprietary information. I like the way he presented this concern to the commissioners:

1. He stated the problem
2. He stated what the problem means for him in his capacity as city manager
3. He gave recommendations
4. He is awaiting further Commission discussion and guidance (emphasis added)

Visit GeeGuy for a legal interpretation of SME's letter.

My initial concern is whether the Commission as a whole is up to the challenge.


Anonymous said...

finally a light has gone on at the end of this very dark tunnel thanks to Mr. Doyon our new city manager. He does "get it" and understands the problem in hand.

Anonymous said...

BOTTOM LINE TO SME - no public records, NO public funding!!!