Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Benefis And Their Banners

GeeGuy has been discussing today the very recent revelation that Benefis now has their city banned banners hanging at the airport.

I think I might know why this happened.

When I attended the Council of Councils meeting on March 19, a short discussion ensued about Neighborhood Councils using sandwich boards to advertise their meetings. Just about everybody said, including the mayor, that according to the sign code ordinance, only downtown businesses could use sandwich boards. Somebody else piped up and said that even though that's the case, Neighborhood Councils could use them too. The mayor said she knew exactly what department to talk to for a clarification as she had just gone through a similar thing with Benefis.

According to Mayor Stebbins, Benefis called her when the city told them they had to take their banners down. In very similar words, she told us, "I guess they thought I could wave my magic wand and fix it". She directed them to the variance department.

I guess they were told no.


Anonymous said...

Black hat, check. Broom stick, check. Cackle, check. No magic wand.. what the? It sure works for Corky during commission meetings.

Anonymous said...

"only downtown businesses could use sandwich boards." On Public Property.

Wouldn't it be nice if,instead of going to the "variance department", a person of reasonable intelligence could simply read the code and know the answer.
In this case I believe it would be (i).

Anonymous said...

Ok, now I'm mixed up...I thought they had crystal balls?!

Anonymous said...

not balls, more like crystallized brains!