Sunday, April 6, 2008

Animal Foundation Donation?

At last Friday's budget meeting, Commissioner Jolley indicated that Commissioner Rosenbaum said that "they agreed to donate the land and building of the present animal shelter to the Animal Foundation, in lieu of cash". Acting city manager Cheryl Patton indicated that the Animal Foundation would probably expect more.

When did "they" decide to do this? I did a check of the city website and I found no public hearing held on this issue or a vote taken to authorize this action.

Rosenbaum's statement should not be confused with the unanimous vote in favor of item #23 on the November 8, 2006 City Commission agenda:

In January of 2006, the Commission adopted an amended plat pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding accepted by the City Commission on July 19, 2005 between the City of Great Falls, Robert Sletten, and the Animal Foundation of Great Falls. The agreement provided that the City deed approximately 55 feet of the west side of the aforementioned Lot 4 to Robert Sletten and Robert Sletten deed approximately 55 feet of land lying directly to the east of Lot 4 to the City or the Animal Foundation of Great Falls in order to make the property more usable for a new animal shelter facility. The amended plat adjusted the particular boundaries accordingly.

Is Rosenbaum confused or did a decision occur behind closed doors?


Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO, are you serious??? This whole animal shelter takeover was for the benifit of the animal foundation. This has been in effect since the foundation started back in 01.

The whole animal shelter fiasco has been a folley that the city should be ashamed about. They need to get their buts in gear and start asking US for recomendations, and quit just DOING this crap behind our backs.

Anonymous said...

Once princess Lamont is anointed to head the new animal shelter everything Susan Overfield tried to present at the queen's royal court will come to be.

Plotted and planned from the very beginning. Small time con artists all of them.

Anonymous said...

Overfield was right about everything. No wonder they have tried to shut her up. If you had sat in on her trial like I did, you'd have seen how dirty it was and how they lied and didn't show any evidence of what they were saying. Her lawyer didn't do a thing for her. It looked more like he was working for them.

We can't say she didn't try to warn us.