Thursday, March 6, 2008

What A Lame Excuse

So, David Gliko, city attorney, claims that if the city loses a law suit over releasing city documents, including drafts, "the city's going to have to lease a warehouse to store all those pieces of paper".

Where are those pieces of paper now? Aren't they already at the city offices or can employees take documents home with them?

Gliko also claims, "any scrap of paper with writing on it that is inside city buildings could be fair game for people wanting to examine city documents." He also urged the judge to take into account "real-world considerations" and common sense".

Has Mr. Gliko "forgotten" he works for a public entity that is supposed to be accountable to its citizens all of the time, not just when it suits them?

I guess so.


GeeGuy said...

Don't blame Dave. He's just doing what he's been told to do by his superiors.

Anonymous said...

Ah so, that would that be the Lieutenant William Calley defense.

Yeah, that worked out well for him....

GeeGuy said...

No, it's really not the William Calley defense. He is an attorney with a client. He is duty bound to follow his client's direction, providing that doing so does not require him to do something that is manifestly illegal. Point your finger at the Commission, not its attorneys.