Monday, March 31, 2008

School Mill Levy

By now you all know that we will have a mail-in ballot election for the school levy.

I attended a neighborhood council meeting where a member of the school board, Stu Nicholson, was present. He is also a member of KEYS; Kids' Education Yes! He was given time to present reasons why supporting this levy will benefit the kids.

If the levy fails, the following will be affected or cut to stay within budget:

* Class size
* Summer school program
* Library time
* Art in the primary grades
* Staff development
* Science training
* Testing materials
* Early intervention programs

One citizen, who is a retired teacher from a small county school, commented that every time money is needed, the only thing that is ever mentioned that will happen is how the kids will be affected; this program cut, this service cut back, won't be able to do this or that, etc... He wanted to know what is being done at the administration level. His contention is that things are heavy at the top; too much administration. He thought they were hiring another couple of associate principals at Great Falls High. Why?

It didn't seem to me that Mr. Nicholson was very well informed. He didn't know if two more associate principals were being considered and a few other questions were asked for which he didn't have responses.

The impression I got was that this was strictly a presentation meant to scare the you know what out of the parents: If you don't vote for this levy, your kids are going to suffer.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The impression I got was that this was strictly a presentation meant to scare the you know what out of the parents: If you don't vote for this levy, your kids are going to suffer."

My sentiments exactly!