Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Special Investigator

At tonight's City Commission meeting, Commissioner Bronson read a letter prepared by Elizabeth Baker, the special investigator hired by the City Commission, to evaluate the investigation the police department conducted of allegations made against the City by Amy Lowe and Jason Dern regarding the operations of the animal shelter.

These are her criteria:

She will first tour the animal shelter and then has scheduled Feb. 11-12 as days that she and her partner will interview between 20-25 people. These people will include current and former employees of the shelter, members of the police department, HSCC, volunteers, veterinarians and concerned citizens. The interviews will be held in private and will be tape recorded. They will be made public, except in cases in which the demand of individual privacy clearly exceeds the merits of public disclosure.

Her investigation will not include the following:

* Examining the shelter from the "ground up". Her concern is only with the allegations as brought forth by Amy Lowe and Jason Dern.

* Financial funding of the shelter

* Which organization should operate the shelter

* Criminal charges

She expects her report to be completed within 60-90 days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What part of "special" is that?

Think the city will be able to tell the feds how to do their investigation?