Thursday, February 7, 2008

Kudos to Karl!

For those of us who know the Tribune has been irresponsible in reporting the "behind the scenes" issues concerning ECP, SME and HGS, I'm sure today's article in the Trib. came as a pleasant surprise.

According to Commissioner Jolley, the reporter, Karl Puckett, called her yesterday. From some of the comments he made, she can only surmise he must have read something about the $750,000+ payment to SME from one of our blogs, either this one or GeeGuy's. She really didn't think her comments were going to make the paper.

So, why can't Mr. Ecke (the usual reporter in these matters) do the same thing?

1 comment:

GeeGuy said...

I agree. I was glad to see the Tribune story. But until they go a little bit beyond just printing what people tell them, we're never going to get anywhere.

For instance, if power costs us $700,000.00 a month, what did it cost the City before ECP? Where are the rest of the payments disbursed? Etc. And etc.