Monday, February 4, 2008

How Dumb!

According to an article in today's Tribune, animal activist, Ric Valois, carried a handgun into the Civic Center before last week's City Commission meeting. As a regular attendant at those meetings, I'm very glad his error in good judgement was discovered before he walked into chambers.

He has absolutely no business or reason to be carrying a concealed weapon into a public meeting. This action should ban him from attending future meetings.

This is one of the reasons why I am totally in favor of the police being present at these meetings. There are NO security checks. And before some of you anti-police advocates sound off, neither my husband or I have ever been asked if we have brought a weapon to the meeting. I would suspect then they must have received a tip.

As a citizen of this city, I have the right to expect, that when I attend a public meeting, I don't have to worry if someone is about to "go postal" to make a point.


LIZZIE said...

I am in complete agreement with you. The man knew better. Claiming ignorance of the law is no excuse.

david said...

Shouldn't a person who is licensed to sell firearms know better...?

And off topic: nice to see a Piers Anthony quote over in the sidebar :-) one of my favorite fantasy authors!

Anonymous said...

The only one that went postal at a city meeting was Stebbins when she had the unidentified thug haul out Ms. Overfield.

GFGirl, how can you walk the streets of GF knowing common serfs walk around armed with concealed pistols? Just how do you get past them to get into the safety cradle of civic center meetings?

Curious to know?

Here's a clue, people with intent to do harm will do so regardless of law. Stop worrying about the good citizens, even if you do not agree with them. You are barking up the wrong tree.