Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pet Licensing Problems

Back on November 16th at GeeGuy's place, I published a post on Pet Licenses. According to my brother's vet, they were no longer issuing licenses because the city didn't seem to have any way to track them and duplicate numbers were being issued. On top of that, there were questions about where the money was going.

In today's Tribune article about few owners buying pet licenses, Mary Jolley and former Humane Society Board member, Pam Hendrickson, indicate that it has been their experience that few vets bring up the licensing issue unless their customers do. According to the article, licenses can only be purchased from the animal shelter or participating vets.

As an outsider looking in (we don't have pets), it doesn't appear to me the vets would have anything to gain or loose by issuing the licenses. So if that's the case, and somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, wouldn't you think that Mr. Ecke of the Tribune would have tried to contact area vets to see why there is a reluctance, for at least some of them anyway, to sell licenses?

Oops, I forgot. That might mean doing some investigative reporting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I called Richard Ecke at the Tribune, regarding his article, and gave him some information I received from my vetrinarian. The vets seem to have a completely different understanding of where the money goes and how licenses are tracked. My vet told me they are not selling any licenses and as far as they know, other vets are not either. This explains why the number of people licensing their pets is way down.

According to my vetrinarian the city has no way of tracking licenses and the city could not tell the vet where the money is going. ALSO, I guess some license numbers have even been duplicated. It sounds like the city is once again screwing things up. Every time they get their hands onto or into something they seem to either go broke or not know what the hell is going on.

I wish Ecke, when he writes an article would get both sides of the story. Why on earth he didn't quote a vetrinarian is beyond me since the majority of pet licenses are sold by vetrinarians. Why he spoke with only the city and the Humane Society is in question. Maybe he didn't want to stir up a hornets nest.