Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Do We Have $84,000 Or Not?

At last night's meeting, the commissioners voted 5-0 to approve an $84,000 funding pledge to the McLaughlin Center. After Ms. Patton presented the report, John Lawton explained that the city may not have the pledge funding right at the moment, but could find it somewhere. He said that if need be, a percentage of the pledge could be paid with 2006-2007 funding and the rest could be budgeted for in 2007-2008. (This pledge doesn't need to be paid right away).

While nobody spoke in opposition to this pledge, a member of the public brought to everybody's attention that the agenda report did not agree with Mr. Lawton's statement. According to the report, "staff has also identified $84,000 that could be pledged to contribute to this important community project".

Staff says the city has the money, but the city manager says maybe not. Gee, nothing like having an $84,000 communication breakdown.

1 comment:

Sandra Guynn said...

This comment is from Mary Jolley. She tried to post it here and had problems. She then posted it at GeeGuy's place.

"Hey having trouble getting this comment on Cataract Blog.
Thanks for the space.
Dear GFgirl
84,000 is just the money the city will “find”. I asked at an agenda meeting, from what funds will this money come.” yet to be determined was the answer. Also Ms. Patton left out a lot of information at the City Commission Meeting. To be exact 116,000 dollars worth of information. The city is expecting that the Center will get CBDG and CETA money to bring the total to $200,000."