Monday, December 17, 2007

The Democrats and Their Setbacks

There was a good article on the front page of today's Tribune about the Democrats and their failure to capitalize on Bush's embattled presidency. I could not locate the article on the online version, but you can find it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a bit ironic since Nancy Pelosi and all of her fellow liberal Democrats were all about change and shutting down the Republicans in the first 100 days. It goes to show talk is cheap and they also made many assumptions that came back to bite them in the a_ _. If the Democrats would stop trying to figure out how to shut the Republicans down maybe they could make more head way. As a matter of fact the Republicans could do the same as well.

I wish Joe Lieberman was running for president. He seems to be a man who decides whether and idea is good or not, based on merit, than votes accordingly and it doesn't matter what political party the idea came from. Man, what a concept!